Conversations with Siri today.

Me: Siri get me the number for Santan Chevy in Gilbert

Siri: I have San Tan Chevy on Gilbert Road, is that the one you want?

Me: Yes

Siri: Is that the one you want?

Me: Yes

Siri:  Is that the one you want?

Me:  You are a cunt!

Siri:  Hey now..

…..different convo…..

Me:  Set an appt in my calendar for July 26 for 7 am for an oil change

Siri:  Setting up appt for tomorrow 7 a.m. for oil change

Me:  cancel appt

Me:  Set appt in my calendar for July 26 at 7 am for an oil change

Siri:  I can not set up an appt for a time in the past..


Me:  Set up appt for JULY 2-6 at 7 AM for oil change…

She finally got it and I’m fucking done with her for the day!!!

In the words of my dear friend Angel when talking about Siri…  A cunt is a cunt is a cunt and Siri is a cunt.



  1. TeddyCovers says

    Lol! You go girl! 😀

  2. TeddyCovers says

    Thanks! Glad to be a part of your blog.

  3. lonestarangel says

    LOL!!! This blog literally made me laugh out loud and I am still amused! There was no reason for her to pretend that she did not understand you the first time you said “yes”. She was obviously moody as fuck and wanted to be mess with you for no other reason than she is a cunt!

    I NEVER use Siri. Hell, if I did I would be in a constant state of confusion and always lost.

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